Currently, 93% of Spanish citizens use the Internet. This is why new projects are already appearing in order to increase cybersecurity as much as possible. In Spain there are two institutions created for cybersecurity under the name of INCIBE-CERT and CCN-CERT. The first one is focused on companies and citizens and the second one only for the government.
I think it is worth making a separation before analysing security in Spain: before and after the appearance of COVID.
Before the pandemic there was not so much concern about cybersecurity, which has affected us in the state of inferiority that we are currently in compared to the UK or Germany. There were a few projects going on but at the official conferences, most of the companies did not attend, they had their minds set on their own company's profit or other reasons. But what's the point of getting wealth when they can take it away from you in hours through malware.
The key to Spain's focus on internet security was the pandemic. When 94% of internet users received at least one cyber-attack. Now the aforementioned institutions have gained much more importance from the public, putting in place many projects to mitigate cyber-attacks. Projects such as starting to implement cybersecurity awareness in education or encouraging entrepreneurship for the creation of cybersecurity companies. Achieving greater visibility in information security.
These types of situations make us think that we should be more aware to what is happening abroad and not shut ourselves up in our own businesses. Because the truth is that it is a shame to see that action on something is not taken until we have a bad experience in that field.
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