Nowadays the are more than 300 Linux distros. There is no one better than the other, each distro is different and one of them can be perfect for one user or unusable for another one. But, inside these 300 there are the contintents distros, that they aquired most of users and developers of the society. The other distros we can see them as small islands, not too popular but they have their specifics fans users, perfectly suited for their needs or their cusiosity. We are going to talk about two of the "continents" distros of Linux, their features, pros and conts, etc. The first distribution I want to talk about is Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), the gold stantard for the commercial Linux distributions. It is a high quality distribution created by two young american guys in 1994, available for workstations, servers, mainframes and supercomputers. It has become the most deployed coomercial Linux distribution in the public cloud thanks to the support of software applications and...