Today's copyright laws are even taking away everyday freedoms. In chapter two of the book
"The Case For Copyright Reform" (link below) he explains very well why copyright reform should be considered. He lays out a proposal for what a two-sided approach to copyright use might look like. In other words, a fair distribution of rights. Nowadays anything we do with a song, a book or anything created by someone protected by copyright is a punishment.
The points he deploys from the proposition are the following:
- A punish for people who claim to be the authors of something they have never made.
- A completely free sharing of content as long as it has no commercial purpose. This was possible 20 years ago, but today it is a criminal offence.
- A compulsory registration after 5 years of the rights of a content. Because nowadays we have problems with content where it is not clear who the author is and nothing can be done because there is no one to whom permission can be ask.
- Freedom to reuse content from other content (remixes, parodies, etc).
- Impose restrictions on DRM (Digital Rights Management), which is what prevents us from making use of copies even if it is legal.
Then comes the big question, how the authors will be paid if the sharing is free.
Well, it puts it on the table through another point of view. If sharing is not possible then do they really have the right to restrict our privacy? Copyright is restricting our fundamental rights.
I quite agree with this whole proposition. Reform is a must.
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